Jimmy Carter

I rarely post anything with a political bent anymore – there just doesn’t seem to be a point. Today is an exception.

Sometimes I will have conversations with people who came up in the world after I did. These folks don’t have any recollection of the “American Dream” being realistic. When they ask when I thought things changed, or at least when my faith in the better parts of America shifted, I continually find myself at the election of Ronald Reagan in 1980.

I didn’t realize it then – but between the rise of the Christian Conservatives and the brewing lack of integrity brought about by dabbling in potential theocracy, the “right thing” – caring for one another, excelling and celebrating in our own gifts and abilities, autonomy, and freedom began to lapse.

When I read the attached article for the first time a few days ago, it gave voice to many of the things that I had felt, but did not have the words or accurate history for.

Very few people who see this post will read the article – and that’s okay, I am not here to try to shift anyone’s perspective. But in honor of Jimmy Carter’s memorial today, this is simply my way of thanking one of the last great American presidents of my lifetime.


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