Category: New Moon

New Moon intentions, part of my spiritual path.


Last Tuesday at 3pm the moon was new again, and it looks like I’m actually going to get this one posted before a full week elapses. Progress!

Last month’s focus was on Well-being – not just a recap of my efforts to get my physical Well-being into shape (pun intended), but with an eye toward my metaphysical well-being too. All wrapped in an effort to “be” well. The physical side keeps progressing – continuing to monitor the diet and exercise, leveraging my OCD superpower to dig into all of the metrics. It’s good not only to be able to see changes, but note cause and effect too. Internally I’m starting to get some sense of balance back and have become a bit more self-motivated again.… More...


At 10:31pm on Sunday, April 11th, the moon was New again. Almost two weeks ago now, but the theme for that cycle was Time – and last month I was also two weeks into the cycle before the announcement came – so really, I’m right on schedule. Perspective counts for a lot.

The theme of Time was particularly poignant – but I carry forward the fact that every moment counts, and redemption or salvation can be on our next breath.

The theme for this month saw its inception in one such moment. It was late February when I was gently called to be mindful of the sugar I was putting into my coffee.

Those of you who have been following along for the past year know that I’ve been struggling with weight, increased blood pressure, high blood sugar, and abnormal cholesterol and triglyceride levels.… More...


At 5:12am on Saturday, March 13th, the Moon was New. Now, we’re nearly half way through the cycle and I haven’t announced what this month’s intention is yet.

Am I late? No – and such is my lesson this cycle. Everything happens in its own Time. It might not be the Time we expect, or the Time we want, but it happens when it is designed to.

Last month’s theme was about Acceptance. It focused a lot on my being Accepted by others, relating a story from my high school years that underscored a sense of being somewhat ostracized – which ended up being far more of a blessing than a curse. In many ways, that set the stage for this cycle.… More...


Last Tuesday afternoon the moon was new and the time had come to complete the past cycle and begin this one.

Last month I focused on Words – their audience, their intent, and their meaning. Words are at the core of my self-expression – I sit and think and craft what I’m going to say, mostly because I realized long ago that one of my two biggest fears is being misunderstood.

I was on the brink of using Words last Monday, and using them in a way that risked muddling the message I was trying to send. Someone had posted something on Facebook about an advance they’d made in their life and self-expression, and I was about to comment on a realization I had had several years before that prompted me to think similarly.… More...


As Tuesday moved into Wednesday this week, at precisely midnight, the moon became New Again. It’s the first New Moon of 2021 and a time for new possibilities – and in this case, time to dig deeper into the work of these posts.

During this past cycle my focus was on the business of the end of the year – primarily Releasing that which did not serve me, and in doing so, welcoming either something new or the space to allow better things to grow.

One of the things I’ve wanted to Release from last year was fear and anxiety. The last few months of the year saw it consume me – all of it based on historical triggers that can’t be erased, just re-framed.… More...


On Monday morning the moon was New again – the last New Moon for 2020. Yes, we’re starting to talk about “the last [x] for 2020”.

During the last cycle, I focused on Motivation. I had acknowledged that Words of Affirmation were high on my list of sources of Motivation, but what else? And how could I be more self-sufficient in my Motivation? How can I make the most of the gift of time?

I ended up spending a lot of the last cycle listening – listening for cues to where the next step might be, listening to my intuition – seeing where I was drawn and where I was pulled away, and more than anything, listening to the silence.

I was also gearing up for the tooth extraction.… More...


Shortly after midnight Sunday morning the moon was New again – so it became time to review the last cycle and prepare for this one.

Last month I spoke about Intention, and as I did, I said “It’s not enough to know what we do and why we do it – but it’s important, especially right now, to understand all the nuance around us.”

There is a German proverb that says “Der liebe Gott steckt im detail”, which translates to ‘God is in the detail’. There are other variants that say that the devil is in the detail – but the end result is that whatever will save or ruin you is not always what is obvious to you, but breathes in whatever is under the surface.… More...


On Friday, October 16th the moon was New, so eight days ago I was called to find a focus for this cycle. The last cycle saw my attention move to Stillness. Before speaking, I wanted to ask myself who or what would I be speaking for? Was I speaking an actual truth, or simply my truth? Would there be a benefit to these words or actions beyond my own ego?

There are a lot of words flying around these days. Politics has a way of convincing everyone that they are the ones with the moral high ground. Myself included. But I also believe that there is no such thing as a moral high ground – that everything is a matter of perspective.… More...


This morning at 7am (ET) the moon was new again – filled with possibilities for the upcoming cycle.

Last month I chose the Domino as a point of focus. As part of last month’s post, I was asked what happens if you get out of line, or get into a new line. I replied that being the Domino is more about what happens when we’re at choice. That we can arrive there when waiting is filled, or we can create our own inflection point. Either way – when it’s time to act, it’s time to act – even if action is inaction.

There were many opportunities to focus on that point of choice this past cycle. Whether to act or observe, whether to speak or be silent, whether to be in motion or to be still.… More...


It’s been a week since we were last visited by a new moon – making me seven days overdue in posting the focus for this coming cycle.

I had ruminated a lot on topics of Faith last month, and the role it plays in both shaping and distorting our reality. When I was wondering about this month’s focus, I was thinking about how Faith can help lead us toward answers in our lives. As I was thinking the focus could be answers, I started to reason that just as data leads to information, with the right perspective, answers can lead to solutions. So was the focus to be Answers or Solutions? When looking at that choice I thought, “well, maybe I’m supposed to be looking at Questions”?… More...